Ross Wardle molla i Dragons e va in farmacia

I Dragons liberano dal contratto Ross Wardle, che a 25 anni e una cinquantina di partite con la Region del Gwent sulla spalle, lascia il rugby professionistico per un lavoro da farmacista. Attualmente fuori per un infortunio ad un ginocchio, Ross Wardle era stato ingaggiato nel 2012 dopo un’ottima stagione in Principality Premiership con Bedwas, ma durante la carriera non ha trascurato gli studi arrivano a laurearsi e garantendosi una carriera alternativa al gioco.

Newport Gwent Dragons can today announce that Ross Wardle has been released from his contract and will begin his career as a pharmacist.

The 25-year-old joined the Men of Gwent in 2012 after impressing Regional coaches during his time with Principality Premiership club Bedwas. He went on to make 50 appearances for the Dragons.

Ross sustained a knee injury during the Singha Premiership Sevens tournament in Cardiff during the Summer of 2016 which required surgery. Fortunately, as with several other Dragons players, he has managed to complete a degree alongside his rugby commitments. Newport Gwent Dragons are delighted that, whilst his rugby career may have been put on hold, the opportunity to pursue interests outside of rugby has resulted in him being recruited into a managerial position by Lloyd’s Pharmacy.

He will continue with this rehab alongside the Dragons medical team.

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